Defines parameters for various use cases of cluster planning and optimization.
Defines parameters for cluster planning and optimization.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
clustering | Clustering | no | - | 2.1 | Contains parameter values for the basic clustering use cases. |
covering | Covering | no | - | 2.1 | Contains parameter values for the covering or reachability use cases. |
visitPlanning | VisitPlanning | no | - | 2.1 | Contains parameter values for the visit planning use cases. |
visitSequencing | VisitSequencing | no | - | 2.5 | Contains parameter values for simple visit sequencing use cases. |
solverTimeLimit | Duration (Double) | no | 300.0 | 2.1 | The maximum time in seconds the solver may use to provide a solution. When this period of time is elapsed the best solution available will be returned. |
Contains parameter values for the basic clustering use cases.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
compactnessLevel | CompactnessLevel (Integer) | no | 2 | 2.1 | Defines the exponent with which the distances are incorporated in the model. |
approximationTolerance | ApproximationTolerance (Double) | no | 2.0 | 2.1 | Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. For instance, compared to 10% the value of 5% means better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
performPreprocessingStep | Boolean | no | true | 2.1 | Perform preprocessing to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem. For example by excluding forbidden or redundant combinations. For large problems the preprocessing itself can be very time-consuming. |
boostActivityImportance | Boolean | no | true | 2.1 | Setting this parameter will privilege important locations with high activity when determining territory centers. |
maximumNumberOfIterations | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.1 | The maximum number of iterations the solver may use to provide a solution. |
minimumRelativeImprovement | MinimumRelativeImprovement (Double) | no | 5.0 | 2.1 | The minimum relative solution value improvement (in percent) between iterations. If the relative improvement is less than the given value, no further iterations will be performed. |
maximumNumberOfStarts | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.1 | The maximum number of starts the solver may use to provide a solution. For each start the maximum number of iterations mentioned in this profile will be used. |
maximumNumberOfSamplings | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 100 | 2.1 | The maximum number of samplings needed mainly in the case that the number of territories is being changed and it is required to choose some "territory centers" from a given list. |
numberOfNearestNeighbors | NumberOfNearestNeighbors (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.1 | The number of nearest neighbors used for the tour estimator. |
reassignmentMethod | ReassignmentMethod | no | ReassignmentMetho ... | 2.3 | Defines the method of reassignment for locations after an iteration. Setting this to REDUCE might yield a better solution at the cost of more execution time. |
Contains parameter values for the covering or reachability use cases.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
approximationTolerance | ApproximationTolerance (Double) | no | 2.0 | 2.1 | Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. For instance, compared to 10% the value of 5% means better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
performPreprocessingStep | Boolean | no | true | 2.1 | Perform preprocessing to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem. For example by excluding forbidden or redundant combinations. For large problems the preprocessing itself can be very time-consuming. |
Contains parameter values for use cases in which the visit plan is calculated with overnight stays.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
approximationTolerance | ApproximationTolerance (Double) | no | 2.0 | 2.5 | Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. For instance, compared to 10% the value of 5% means better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
performPreprocessingStep | Boolean | no | true | 2.5 | Perform preprocessing to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem, for example by excluding forbidden or redundant combinations. For large problems the preprocessing itself can be very time-consuming. |
maximumNumberOfIterations | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.5 | The maximum number of iterations the solver may use to iterate on its overnight plan. A higher number might lead to a better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
numberOfNearestNeighbors | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.5 | The number of nearest neighbors used for estimating travel times between visits. |
Contains parameter values for the visit planning use cases.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
overnightStay | OvernightStay | no | - | 2.5 | Contains parameter values for use cases in which the visit plan is calculated with overnight stays. |
workloadBalancing | WorkloadBalancing | no | - | 2.5 | Contains parameter values for use cases in which the daily workload in a visit plan needs to be balanced. |
workload | Workload | no | - | 2.20 | Contains parameter values for use cases in which the daily and/or weekly workload is specified. |
compactnessLevel | CompactnessLevel (Integer) | no | 2 | 2.1 | Defines the exponent with which the distances are incorporated in the model. Note that value of at most two is allowed when workload options are used. |
dailyDistanceWeight | DailyDistanceWeight (Integer) | no | 1 | 2.1 | Defines the importance of daily cluster compactness. If the daily cluster compactness should be more important than the weekly cluster compactness, set this value higher than the weeklyDistanceWeight. |
weeklyDistanceWeight | WeeklyDistanceWeight (Integer) | no | 1 | 2.1 | Defines the importance of weekly cluster compactness. If the weekly cluster compactness should be more important than the daily cluster compactness, set this value higher than the dailyDistanceWeight. |
approximationTolerance | ApproximationTolerance (Double) | no | 2.0 | 2.1 | Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. For instance, compared to 10% the value of 5% means better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
performPreprocessingStep | Boolean | no | true | 2.1 | Perform preprocessing to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem. For example by excluding forbidden or redundant combinations. For large problems the preprocessing itself can be very time-consuming. |
maximumNumberOfIterations | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.1 | The maximum number of iterations the solver may use to provide a solution. |
minimumRelativeImprovement | MinimumRelativeImprovement (Double) | no | 5.0 | 2.1 | The minimum relative solution value improvement (in percent) between iterations. If the relative improvement is less than the given value, no further iterations will be performed. |
Contains parameter values for simple visit sequencing use cases.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
approximationTolerance | ApproximationTolerance (Double) | no | 2.0 | 2.5 | Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. For instance, compared to 10% the value of 5% means better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
performPreprocessingStep | Boolean | no | true | 2.5 | Perform preprocessing to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem. For example by excluding forbidden or redundant combinations. For large problems the preprocessing itself can be very time-consuming. |
Contains parameter values for use cases in which the visit plan is calculated with specified daily and/or weekly workload.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
orderScoreWeight | OrderScoreWeight (Integer) | no | 10 | 2.20 | Defines the importance of prioritizing orders with higher scores if not all orders can be served because of given workload restrictions. |
numberOfStarts | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 10 | 2.20 | The number of considered start solutions based on different travel time estimation data. A higher number might lead to a better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
solverTimeLimitPerStart | Duration (Double) | no | 15.0 | 2.20 | The solver time limit in seconds for calculating a feasible start solution. A higher value might lead to a better solution at the cost of higher running time. The best out of numberOfStarts start solutions will be calculated in at most (numberOfStarts * solverTimeLimit) seconds. In contrast to the total solverTimeLimit, this value only affects the start solution process. |
numberOfNearestNeighbors | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 5 | 2.20 | The number of nearest neighbors used for estimating travel times between visits. |
Contains parameter values for use cases in which the daily workload in a visit plan needs to be balanced.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
approximationTolerance | ApproximationTolerance (Double) | no | 2.0 | 2.5 | Defines (in percent) how close to the optimal solution value the solver should come before exiting an iteration. For instance, compared to 10% the value of 5% means better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
performPreprocessingStep | Boolean | no | true | 2.5 | Perform preprocessing to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem. For example by excluding forbidden or redundant combinations. For large problems the preprocessing itself can be very time-consuming. |
maximumNumberOfIterations | PositiveInteger (Integer) | no | 10 | 2.5 | The maximum number of iterations the solver may use to improve the workload balance. A higher number might lead to a better solution at the cost of higher running time. |
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