


used by Theme
since 2.0

Defines the country state type, that defines a country that can be enabled or disabled from its ID, and its subsequent rules, properties and action types can be enabled or disabled.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
rules FeatureLayerRule[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the state of a rule that is relative to this country, i.e. allows a subsequent rule to be enabled or disabled from its ID.
properties FeatureLayerProperty[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the state of a property that is relative to this country, i.e. allows a subsequent property to be enabled or disabled from its ID.
actions FeatureLayerAction[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the state of an action type that is relative to this country, i.e. allows a subsequent action type to be enabled or disabled from its ID.
id CountryList (String) yes - 2.0 Defines the country ID type. The special value "*" defines every country.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

enabled Boolean no true 2.0 Enables or disables the country. If disabled, every subsequent rule, property and action type that is relative to this country will be disabled as well.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by CountrySpecificParameter
since 2.0

Defines the state of an action type that is relative to this country, i.e. allows a subsequent action type to be enabled or disabled from its ID.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id FeatureLayerActionType yes - 2.0 The action type ID. The special value "ALL" defines every action.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

enabled boolean yes - 2.0 Enables or disables the action. If disabled, every subsequent property will be disabled as well.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by RequestProfile, ProfileResponse
since 2.0

Defines Feature Layer parameters.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
parameters KeyValuePair[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the additional generic parameters. Normally it is not necessary to specify parameters here. A Feature Layer theme may be connected to such a generic parameter if there is no appropriate explicit profile parameter available. If in doubt, contact your PTV representative for help.
themes Theme[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the parameters of a specific theme. Countries, rules, properties and action types can be enabled or disabled from specified themes and/or countries.


used by CountrySpecificParameter
since 2.0

Defines the state of a property that is relative to this country, i.e. allows a subsequent property to be enabled or disabled from its ID.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id String yes - 2.0 The property ID. The special value "ALL" defines every property.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

enabled boolean yes - 2.0 Enables or disables the property. If disabled, the rules that possess the property will be disabled as well.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by CountrySpecificParameter
since 2.0

Defines the state of a rule that is relative to this country, i.e. allows a subsequent rule to be enabled or disabled from its ID.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id String yes - 2.0 The rule ID. The special value "ALL" defines every rule.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

enabled boolean yes - 2.0 Enables or disables the rule. If disabled, every subsequent rule that is relative to this rule and every subsequent property will be disabled as well.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by Theme
since 2.0

Defines the contents of the features returned by the xMap and xRoute services. By default all properties are included.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id String yes - 2.0 Defines the property ID. The special value "ALL" defines every property.
enabled boolean yes - 2.0 Defines if the property has to be included or excluded in the list of features of a response.


used by FeatureLayerProfile
since 2.0

Defines the parameters of a specific theme.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
countrySpecificParameters CountrySpecificParameter[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the parameters of countries for this theme.
featureResultProperties FeatureResultProperty[] 0..* - 2.0 Defines the contents of the features returned by the xMap and xRoute services. By default all properties are included.
id ThemeId (String) yes - 2.0 Defines the theme ID.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

enabled Boolean no false 2.0 Enables or disables the theme. Every subsequent country, rule, property and action type that is relative to this theme will be considered enabled or disabled for this theme.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

priorityLevel Integer no 100 2.0 The priority level [0-255]. 100 is the default priority level, a 101 value defines a higher priority than 100.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

featureScenarios FeatureScenario[] (String[]) 0..* - 2.19 The list of scenarios defined for the theme. As soon as a scenario is defined, use the "PTV" scenario to enable the PTV provided layers for this theme.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting



used by FeatureLayerAction
since 2.0

Action type that can be triggered by an engine when reading a feature.

Enumeration Value Since Description
ALL 2.0 Defines every action.
BONUS_MALUS 2.14 Applies a penalty to a segment, when calculating a route.
SET_ABSOLUTE_SPEED 2.0 Provides the real speed on a segment.
SET_TIME_ZONE 2.0 Provides information about the time zone
SET_FREEFLOW_SPEED 2.14 Provides the freeflow speed on a segment.
SET_DISPLAY_CLASS 2.0 Provides information on display.
SET_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTES 2.0 Provides network modifications.
SET_WAITING_TIME 2.0 Provides the waiting time on a segment.


Feature Layer Profile