Database Configuration
The PTV xServer is delivered with simple databases (H2) to store jobs and sessions.
In rare cases like power failure the H2 databases may become corrupt. To repair them do the following steps on a command line:
cd <XSERVER_HOME>/data/db
java -cp ../../jdbc/h2-2.1.210.jar
rename the and database files
java -cp ../../jdbc/h2-2.1.210.jar -url jdbc:h2:./job -script job.h2.sql -checkResults
java -cp ../../jdbc/h2-2.1.210.jar -url jdbc:h2:./session -script session.h2.sql -checkResults
Alternative Databases
Other databases can be used as well, as long as there is a jdbc driver in the top level folder jdbc
The JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server is, for example, named mssql-jdbc-*.jre8.jar. To use this database put the driver into the jdbc
folder, adjust the job-management-db.xml and session-management-db.xml files in the conf
folder as follows:
<property name="dataSourceProperties"> <props> <prop key="url">jdbc:sqlserver://$hostname:$port;databaseName=$databaseName</prop> <prop key="user">$user</prop> <prop key="password">$password</prop> </props> </property>
Depending on the database it is necessary to adapt the property connectionTestQuery.
Job database structure
For job management nearly any JDBC database can be used. It is required that the BLOB API is fully implemented by the JDBC interface.
The structure of the necessary database tables xserver_jobs and cleanup has to be defined as follows:
CREATE TABLE xserver_jobs ( id varchar(36) NOT NULL, xserver varchar(18), method varchar(50), version varchar(20), status varchar(20) NOT NULL, elapsed bigint, progress blob, result blob, finishtime bigint, fetchtime bigint, lastupdatetime bigint, userid varchar(36) ); CREATE INDEX xserver_jobs_idx2 ON xserver_jobs(finishtime); CREATE INDEX xserver_jobs_idx1 ON xserver_jobs(status); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xserver_jobs_primary_key ON xserver_jobs(id); CREATE INDEX xserver_jobs_idx4 ON xserver_jobs(lastupdatetime); CREATE INDEX xserver_jobs_idx3 ON xserver_jobs(fetchtime); CREATE TABLE cleanup ( executiontimestamp bigint ); INSERT INTO cleanup (executiontimestamp) VALUES (0);
Depending on the database it is necessary to adapt the data types.
Session database structure
For job management nearly any JDBC database can be used. It is required that the BLOB API is fully implemented by the JDBC interface.
The structure of the necessary database table xserver_session is defined as follows:
CREATE TABLE xserver_session ( id varchar(36) NOT NULL, session blob, date bigint, version varchar(20) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xserver_session_id_index ON xserver_session(id); CREATE INDEX xserver_session_date_index ON xserver_session(date);
Depending on the database it is necessary to adapt the data types.