

Short description

Geocoding is the process of turning address related information, e.g. given as a single search string, into known locations and coordinates.

Detailed Consideration

Geocoding with a Single Input Field

When input data is not separated into individual fields for postal code, city or street, all input data of an address can be combined into one single field. This is especially useful for interactive searches. Geocoding with a single input field can be done with the xLocate service endpoints

which are both explained in the Searching an Address using Free-form Input integration sample.

Geocoding with a Structured Address Input

When using structured input fields, each field is associated a dedicated meaning, resulting in a more efficient search for geographical objects with a better quality. Geocoding with a structured input can be done with the xLocate service endpoint

which is explained in the Searching an Address using Structured Address Input integration sample.

Result List

If the request succeeds, the response consists of a list of records, each containing the actual address and its coordinates.

Record Fields

Each returned record can have one or more coordinates and address fields, e.g.:

coordinates address fields
  • the actual roof top of the house
  • the point where you would start driving
  • country
  • state
  • province
  • postal code
  • city
  • district
  • subdistrict
  • street
  • house number

The availability and content of these fields depend on the record type and the API version used. Please check the API documentation to see which fields are supported in the API version you are using.

Record Types

Record types are returned in the field type.

Common record types are


The single-field search is limited by an internal timeout: if a request takes very long to process, it will be aborted. This may typically happen if the request contains many words with spelling errors or contradictions between them. In such an event, a ProcessingTimedOutFault will be thrown.

Good to know


In the showcase, colors are used to indicate record types as explained by the map legend in the top right corner of the map window.

Depending on the record type, some of the record fields may be populated or not, e.g. the house number field makes no sense for results of type locality.


If the data contains names in different Languages (e.g. Roma, Rome, Rom) you can use any of those strings to find it.

The returned result, however, will always be returned in the language spoken in that country/region.

If you give a language in the request profileClosed The request profile is a partial profile provided in object form for a specific request. Any parameter which is not set in the request profile will be taken from the stored profile.'s mapLanguage property, then the names will be returned in that language, if available in the data. Note that the mapLanguage in the stored profileClosed A stored profile is a (partial) profile persisted as an XML file. is currently ignored by the xLocate service.