Displaying Feature Layer PTV_RestrictionZones

This layer provides Restricted transit areas for example truck transit zones. This Feature Layer contains restricted transit areas what means areas, which have special restrictions. These restricted areas may be used by certain vehicleClosed The term vehicle describes what is being routed or planned for. Vehicles are used in route calculation, distance matrix calculation and effectively also in tour planning. In route calculation, vehicle properties like overall size, weight and speed are in focus. In tour planning, it is vehicle properties like capacity and availability. Commonly a vehicle is motorized, like a truck - including its trailer or a car. However also a bike or even a pedestrian are included in this definition. types, but only as start or destination otherwise they must not be passed through.

As part of the EU regulations on limits for air pollutants, various regions and cities with high particulate air pollution installed so-called clean air and action plans, which includes environmental zones or drive-through zones prohibiting the transit of specific types of vehicles for example trucks larger than 7.5 t.

FreeForDelivery zone

Delivery vehicle

Zone navigability



only in waypoints zones










This article explains how to visualize RestrictionZones on a map.


Using RestrictionZones you can


Check if the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you start with the use case:

  • Installed and licensed PTV xMap Server
  • Installed PTV Map
  • Installed and licensed Feature Layer theme PTV_RestrictionZones


Feature Layer

Feature Layers provide additional content to enrich PTV maps, such as vehicle-dependent restrictions on roads, or even live traffic information. These data may, for example, help to improve routing results.

Various Feature Layer themes providing different kinds of content are available. Several Feature Layer themes may be used in combination.

Programming Guide

When using the RESTClosed REST (Representational State Transfer) represents a World Wide Web paradigm, consisting of constraints to the design of components which results in a better performance and maintainability. API to build a tiled map, the REST operation tile is part of the following URL, by means individual tiles can be requested:

http://hostname:50000/services/rest/XMap/tile/{zoomLevel}/{x}/{y}?storedProfile={profileClosed A profile is a collection of parameters used to configure the request. Full profiles consist of a number of specialized sub-profiles like the VehicleProfile which describes the properties of a vehicle.}

Concrete values in URL template have to be defined for zoomlevel, x and y coordinates, specifying the map section of the corresponding tile.

To display PTV_RestrictionZones on a map with common content, the parameter layers has to be specified in the URL enabling all base layers and PTV_RestrictionZones.


To obtain a map which contains only PTV_RestrictionZones, the parameter layers has to be specified in the URL enabling only PTV_RestrictionZones.



In the example below, which is based on the one from Displaying a Basic Interactive Map, RestrictionZones are displayed on a tiled map using the Leaflet toolkit:

Related Topics

The following topics might be relevant for this use case.