This result limitation indicates that the provided exchange rates do not cover all exchange rates that were required and that in these cases exchange rates that are provided with the map data are used.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
usedExchangeRates | ExchangeRate[] | 1..* | - | 2.26 | The exchange rates that were used relative to the base currency of the request. |
This result limitation indicates that one or more Feature Layers corresponding to a Feature Layer theme do not fit the currently used map. Such a situation could reduce the quality of the result. The user is requested to update the Feature Layer data for this theme or the map so that both have the same version. If in doubt, contact your PTV representative for help.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
themeId | ThemeId (String) | yes | - | 2.0 | ID of the Feature Layer theme which does not fit the map. |
countries | CountryCode[] (String[]) | 0..* | - | 2.0 | Codes of countries whose Feature Layers of the theme referred to by the parameter above are not fitting the map. |
This result limitation indicates that a certain Feature Layer is not available although content updates are enabled for it. This may happen right after starting PTV xServer or restarting a module when a request is processed before the content updates have finished, or when there is no data available for this Feature Layer.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
themeId | ThemeId (String) | yes | - | 2.23 | ID of the Feature Layer theme which does not exist. |
This result limitation indicates that a certain feature is not available. For example it could occur in a situation where the API contains a list of entities but the business logic can only treat a single entity. In general it occurs when the API foresees a situation which is not recognized in the business logic yet but still allows a result to be created.
This result limitation indicates that some optional data content has not been used because it is not licensed. For example, if the routing type is RoutingType.HIGH_PERFORMANCE_ROUTING_WITH_FALLBACK_CONVENTIONAL and high-performance routing is not licensed, a conventional routing is done and a result limitation is generated. Normally, if the data content is not optional, a SetupFault is returned.
Options for returned geometries.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
responseGeometryTypes | EncodedGeometryType[] | 0..* | - | 2.0 | the target encodings of geometries |
This result limitation indicates that a parameter was ignored.
This result limitation indicates that the request has been stopped either by the user or due to a timeout. The returned response is an intermediate but valid response that usually differs from the final response.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
reason | IntermediateResponseReason | no | - | 2.12 | The reason for this limitation. |
This result limitation indicates that an object could not be stored in the session storage.
No fields defined. |
This result limitation indicates that a parameter was ignored.
This result limitation indicates that a parameter is not consistent with other parameters. For example, the actual weight of a vehicle is larger than the total permitted weight.
RequestBase (abstract)
extended by CoverLocationsRequest, OptimizeVisitSequenceRequest, PlanClustersRequest, PlanVisitsRequest, CreateContentSnapshotRequest, CreateFeatureLayerRequest, CreateHighPerformanceRoutingNetworkRequest, DeleteContentSnapshotRequest, DeleteFeatureLayerRequest, DeleteHighPerformanceRoutingNetworkRequest, ListContentSnapshotsRequest, ListFeatureLayersRequest, ListHighPerformanceRoutingNetworksRequest, SegmentsRequest, TimeZoneRequest, CreateDistanceMatrixRequest, DeleteDistanceMatrixRequest, GetDistanceMatrixRequest, ListDistanceMatricesRequest, UpdateDistanceMatrixRequest, PackBinsRequest, PackPositionedBinsRequest, SearchLocationsBulkRequest, SearchLocationsRequest, MapRequest, MatchPositionsRequest, MatchTrackRequest, ProfileRequest, ReachableAreasRequest, ReachableLocationsRequest, RouteRequest, ConfigurationFileRequest, ContentUpdateStatusRequest, ContentUpdateTriggerRequest, ContentUpdateTriggerStatusRequest, ConversionRequest, DataInformationRequest, LicenseInformationRequest, ResetMetricsRequest, RestartModulesRequest, RuntimeInformationRequest, ServerConfigurationRequest, ShutdownServerRequest, StopDeleteRequest, SupportPackageRequest, ChangeToursRequest, FindChangeToursProposalsRequest, PlanToursRequest, ToursInExecutionRequest
since 2.0
Base type for any xServer request type. Contains a RequestProfile.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
scope | ScopeName (String) | no | globalscope | 2.0 | A user defined scope for persistent data like distance matrices. |
storedProfile | Url (String) | no | default | 2.0 | The URL of the stored profile used by this request. The following types of URLs are supported:
requestProfile | RequestProfile | no | - | 2.0 | The profile used by this request (parameters override those from storedProfile). |
coordinateFormat | CoordinateFormat (String) | no | EPSG:4326 | 2.0 | The coordinate format of all geometries in request and response. The default of EPSG:4326 represents WGS84. For more information see here. |
geometryOptions | GeometryOptions | no | - | 2.0 | The target encodings of geometries, PLAIN if empty. |
timeouts | Timeouts | no | - | 2.0 | timeout settings |
userLogs | String[] | 0..* | - | 2.0 | values to be written to the log file (note that they must not contain a semicolon) |
ResponseBase (abstract)
extended by VoidResponse, ClustersResponse, VisitSequenceResponse, VisitsResponse, ContentSnapshotResponse, ContentSnapshotsListResponse, FeatureLayerResponse, FeatureLayersListResponse, HighPerformanceRoutingNetworkResponse, HighPerformanceRoutingNetworksListResponse, SegmentsResponse, TimeZoneResponse, DistanceMatrixListResponse, DistanceMatrixResponse, PackedBinsResponse, PackedPositionedBinsResponse, LocationsBulkResponse, LocationsResponse, MapResponse, TileResponse, PositionsResponse, TrackResponse, ProfileResponse, ReachableAreasResponse, ReachableLocationsResponse, RouteResponse, ConfigurationFileResponse, ContentUpdateStatusResponse, ContentUpdateTriggerResponse, ContentUpdateTriggerStatusResponse, ConversionResponse, DataInformationResponse, LicenseInformation, LogFileInformationResponse, ProfilesResponse, RuntimeInformation, RuntimeMetrics, ServerConfigurationResponse, SupportPackageResponse, ChangeToursProposalsResponse, ToursResponse
since 2.0
Base type for any xServer response type. Contains a list of result limitations, which indicates an alleviated quality of the result.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
resultLimitations | ResultLimitation[] | 0..* | - | 2.0 | A list of limitations that apply to this result. If there are entries in this list, this means that while the server was able to provide a best effort to reply to the request, the limitations to the validity of this result described in this list have to be considered. |
extended by CountryIgnoredLimitation, GeographicRestrictionsIgnoredLimitation, SubdivisionFallbackLimitation, DeprecatedParameterLimitation, ExchangeRatesNotProvidedLimitation, FeatureLayerMatchLimitation, FeatureLayerNotAvailableLimitation, FeatureNotAvailableLimitation, FeatureNotLicensedLimitation, IgnoredParameterLimitation, IntermediateResponseLimitation, ObjectNotStoredLimitation, ParameterIgnoredLimitation, ParameterInconsistencyLimitation, UTCOffsetAmbigiousLimitation, UTCOffsetNotDeterminableLimitation, TimeDependentContentIgnoredLimitation, HighPerformanceRoutingNetworkAlreadyAvailableLimitation, CountryFallbackLimitation, TooManyInputWordsLimitation, ElevationsNotAvailableLimitation, HeadingIgnoredLimitation, HeadingToleranceIgnoredLimitation, SideOfStreetRestrictionIgnoredLimitation, UnspecifiedMapDataLimitation, VehicleNotSupportedForEmissionsLimitation, WaypointNotLinkedLimitation, NoValidInsertionPositionsFoundLimitation
used by ResponseBase
since 2.0
Specific limitation to the validity of a result.
See request and response for details on when a result limitation will be returned instead of an exception.
Overrides the timeouts configured in xserver.conf
for the current request.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
queueingTimeout | Milliseconds (Integer) | no | - | 2.0 | Maximum time that this request may remain in the request queue if no module process is available to handle the request. This value overrides the value of core.requestQueueTimeout for synchronous and for asynchronous requests, respectively. |
computationTimeout | Milliseconds (Integer) | no | - | 2.0 | Maximum time that this request may take to execute on a module process. This value overrides the value of core.moduleTimeout for synchronous and for asynchronous requests, respectively. If the timeout is exceeded, the request is tried to be stopped. An intermediate result is returned together with an IntermediateResponseLimitation if it is already available. Otherwise a XServerException containing a RequestTimedOutFault is thrown. |
This result limitation indicates that the time zone for a given time could not be determined unambiguously. In this case the time zone was determined as described in the technical concept, and the chosen time zone is given.
Field Name | Type | Required | Default | Since | Description |
utcOffset | UTCOffset (int) | yes | - | 2.14 | The UTC offset finally used. |
This result limitation indicates that the time zone for the given reference time could not be determined. This usually happens when requesting a map in an area where no roads with attached time-zone information are present, e.g. in uninhabited areas or in the sea. Therefore, this result limitation can usually be ignored as there will be no time-dependent information available in this area. PTV xServer assumes UTC as the time zone for this request.
No fields defined. |
Empty response type for calls that do not return any meaningful data.
No fields defined. |
The reason for an intermediate response limitation.
Enumeration Value | Since | Description |
REQUEST_STOPPED | 2.12 | The request was stopped by calling the stopRequest method from XRuntime for synchronous or a service specific stopJob method for asynchronous requests, respectively. |
REQUEST_TIMED_OUT | 2.12 | The request was stopped due to a timeout. For further information see Timeouts.computationTimeout. |