
This namespace contains parameters for the evaluation of data which have time restrictions. These data comprise



extends TimeConsideration
since 2.1

This time-consideration scenario evaluates all data which has time restrictions at the exact time at which the data is reached by the vehicle. The reference time is considered as the arrival time of a route. For rendering or any other services this mode is not available. For routing this means that each segment of the route is evaluated at the reference time at which it is reached in contrast to SnapshotTimeConsideration. That means that the given reference time is valid for the last segment. For all previous segments the reference time is equal to the reference time of the subsequent segment plus the travel time for the subsequent segment. Route calculation will be less performant than snapshot and time span scenarios.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
referenceTime XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.1 The reference time at which the routing takes place. This is the arrival time of the route. If no reference time is set, the current UTC time is used.
simplifiedRouteCalculation Boolean no false 2.20 Using this parameter will speed-up the calculation performance but it could lead to non-optimal routes.


extends TimeConsideration
since 2.1

This time-consideration scenario is restricted to xRoute and evaluates all data which has time restrictions at the exact time at which the data is reached by the vehicle. The reference time is considered as the start time of a route. For rendering or any other services this mode is not available. For routing this means that each segment of the route is evaluated at the reference time at which it is reached in contrast to SnapshotTimeConsideration. That means that the given reference time is valid for the first segment. For all subsequent segments the reference time is equal to the reference time of the previous segment plus the travel time for the previous segment. Route calculation will be less performant than snapshot and time-span scenarios.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
referenceTime XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.1 The reference time at which the routing takes place. This is the start time of the route. If no reference time is set, the current UTC time is used.
simplifiedRouteCalculation Boolean no false 2.20 Using this parameter will speed-up the calculation performance but it could lead to non-optimal routes.


extends TimeConsideration
since 2.20

This time-consideration scenario evaluates all data which have time restrictions using several starting dates in the interval. For each point in time, the EXACT time-consideration is used to take into account the attributes. Only available for xDima CreateDistanceMatrixRequest, xData CreateHighPerformanceRoutingNetworkRequest and ListHighPerformanceRoutingNetworksRequest. For CreateAndGetDistanceMatrixRequest and all other services (rendering, routing, etc.) this mode is not available.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
horizon StartEndInterval yes - 2.20 Defines the horizon for this request, described by start and end date. Every calculation will be executed within this interval. The horizon is restricted to a maximum duration of 24 hours. When used in XTour, the planning horizon and the driver operating intervals must be completely contained within this horizon.
themeIds ThemeId[] (String[]) 0..* - (2.30) Defines the IDs of the Feature Layer themes to enable for the calculation of the travel time profiles. Only available for xDima CreateDistanceMatrixRequest.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

parameters KeyValuePair[] 0..* - (2.33) Defines the additional generic parameters. Normally it is not necessary to specify parameters here. A Feature Layer theme may be connected to such a generic parameter if there is no appropriate explicit profile parameter available. If in doubt, contact your PTV representative for help.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends TimeConsideration
since 2.4

This time-consideration scenario evaluates all data which have time restrictions, by taking the most optimistic behaviour. For rendering this means that the map shows the most optimistic traffic. For routing this means that each segment of the route is evaluated by taking the most optimistic speed.

No fields defined.


extends TimeConsideration
since 2.1

This time-consideration scenario evaluates all data which have time restrictions at the given reference time. For rendering this means that the map shows the state which is valid at that reference time. For routing this means that each segment of the route is evaluated at the same reference time in contrast to ExactTimeConsiderationAtStart and ExactTimeConsiderationAtArrival. Route calculation will be more performant than the exact scenarios.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
referenceTime XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.1 The reference time at which all data with time restrictions will be evaluated. If no reference time is set, the current UTC time is used.


extends ResultLimitation
since 2.1

This result limitation indicates that the current route traverses areas with time-dependent content which is not taken into consideration.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
contentDescription String yes - 2.1 Description of ignored content


extends TimeConsideration
since 2.2

This time-consideration scenario evaluates all data which have time restrictions in the given time span. Only attributes which have the same state throughout the time span are considered, e.g. long-term blockings. Attributes which have different states in the time span are not considered. For rendering this means that the map shows the state which is valid for the complete time span. For routing this means that each segment of the route considers only those attributes which are valid for the complete time span. Route calculation results in better performance compared to the exact scenarios.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
referenceTime XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.2 The reference time at which all data which have time restrictions will be evaluated. If no reference time is set, the current UTC time is used.
timeSpan TimeSpanDuration (Double) no 86400.0 2.2 The length of the time span in seconds.


extends TimeConsideration
since 2.26

This time-consideration scenario only evaluates toll data at the given reference time.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
referenceTime XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.26 The reference time at which the toll data is to be evaluated. If no reference time is set, the current UTC time is used.


used by XMap, XRoute
since 2.3

Enumeration of the different types for time consideration scenarios which are used in xMap getTile operation for specifying which kind of scenario should be used. In effect, it has to emulate the extensions of the TimeConsideration type because REST is not capable to manage more complex parameter structures. Features which meet the time consideration conditions, are used during route calculation and are rendered in full-colored (i.e. not grayed) mode.

Enumeration Value Since Description
NONE 2.3 No time consideration is applied, all time-dependent features are regarded as not relevant.
SNAPSHOT 2.3 All features are taken into consideration, whose time domain matches the additionally defined reference time.
TIME_SPAN 2.3 All features are taken into consideration, whose time domain matches the additionally defined reference time and duration. I.e. the time span must be totally covered by the feature's time domain.
EXACT_TIME_AT_START 2.18 All features are taken into consideration, whose time domain matches the current time along a calculated route, whereby the accompanying reference time is related to the routing start time. This scenario can only be used with xRoute.
EXACT_TIME_AT_ARRIVAL 2.18 All features are taken into consideration, whose time domain matches the current time along a calculated route, whereby the accompanying reference time is related to the routing arrival time. This scenario can only be used with xRoute.
OPTIMISTIC 2.4 If time-dependent alternatives for a segment are available, the best alternative is selected.


Time-Consideration Scenarios