


extends ServiceStatus
since 2.21

Service not started yet but driver and vehicle have arrived at stop.

No fields defined.


used by ConfigurableWorkingHours
since 2.27

Defines a break rule regarding drivers' working hours which need to be complied with.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
breakTime BreakTime (double) yes - 2.27 The minimum duration of a break in seconds.
maximumDrivingTimeBetweenBreaks TimeLimitOfRule (Double) no - 2.27 When the driver has accumulated this much driving time since the last break, a break has to be taken before the driver is allowed to drive again. Default value is infinite. Not supported for time-dependent driving times.
maximumWorkingTimeBetweenBreaks TimeLimitOfRule (Double) no - 2.27 When the driver has accumulated this much working time since the last break, a break has to be taken before the driver is allowed to work again. Default value is infinite.
workingTimeThreshold Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.27 Idle time of the driver counts as working time if it is shorter than this value. May not be higher than breakTime. If workingTimeThreshold and breakTime have the same values, it makes a 'working time rule' a 'travel time rule'.


extends TourViolation
since 2.29

Specifies a violation of a compartment access restriction. This violation has the following tour violation type: COMPARTMENT_ACCESS.

No fields defined.


used by TourRestrictions, Driver
since 2.27

Defines limits of a driver's working hours. Rules for short breaks and longer daily rests as well as total driving or travel time limits can be configured. Information about the already conducted work of the driver can be specified in the configurable working hours logbook summary. For the user's convenience, the most common break and rest rules can be set via a configurable working hours preset.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
breakRule BreakRule no - 2.27 Defines when a break becomes necessary and how long it should be.
dailyRestRule DailyRestRule no - 2.27 Defines when a daily rest becomes necessary and how long it should be. Not supported for time-dependent driving times.
maximumDrivingTime Duration (Double) no - 2.27 Restricts the maximum allowed total driving time of the driver in seconds. This includes the driving time of the work logbook with one exception: If a daily rest rule is defined and a daily rest is taken before tour start, the driving time of the work logbook does not count to the driving time of the driver. The maximum driving time is considered as infinite if it is not set. Not supported for time-dependent driving times. Not supported in xRoute service.
maximumTravelTime Duration (Double) no - 2.27 Restricts the maximum allowed total travel time of the driver in seconds. The travel time contains all waiting, service and driving times. This includes the travel time of the work logbook with one exception: If a daily rest rule is defined and a daily rest is taken before tour start, the travel time of the work logbook does not count to the travel time of the driver. The maximum travel time is considered as infinite if it is not set. Not supported in xRoute service.


used by WorkLogbookSummary
since 2.27

Specifies the already conducted work of the driver. These values will be taken into account when scheduling breaks and daily rests according to the configurable working hours.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.27 Accumulated driving time since end of last break in seconds. As soon as maximumDrivingTimeBetweenBreaks seconds are accumulated, the driver is no longer allowed to drive unless he/she takes a break. A value of more than maximumDrivingTimeBetweenBreaks seconds has the same effect as maximumDrivingTimeBetweenBreaks seconds.
accumulatedWorkingTimeSinceLastBreak Duration (Double) no - 2.27 Accumulated working time since end of last break in seconds. As soon as maximumWorkingTimeBetweenBreaks seconds have elapsed, the driver is no longer allowed to work or drive unless he/she takes a break. A value of more than maximumWorkingTimeBetweenBreaks seconds has the same effect as maximumWorkingTimeBetweenBreaks seconds. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak, if the value is specified. If no other value is specified, the default value is 0.
accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no - 2.27 Accumulated driving time since end of last daily rest in seconds. As soon as maximumDrivingTimeBetweenDailyRests seconds are accumulated, the driver is no longer allowed to drive unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than maximumDrivingTimeBetweenDailyRests seconds has the same effect as maximumDrivingTimeBetweenDailyRests seconds. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak, if the value is specified. If no other value is specified, the default value is 0.
accumulatedTravelTimeSinceLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no - 2.27 Accumulated travel time since end of last daily rest in seconds. The accumulated travel time since the last daily rest equals the elapsed time since the end of the last daily rest, that is, the time between the end of the last daily rest and the reference time. As soon as the maximum travel time between daily rests is reached, the driver is no longer allowed to drive or perform service unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than the maximum travel time between daily rests has the same effect as the maximum travel time between daily rests. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastDailyRest or accumulatedWorkingTimeSinceLastBreak, if the value is specified. If no other value is specified, the default value is 0.


used by ConfigurableWorkingHours
since 2.27

Define a daily rest rule regarding drivers' working hours which need to be complied with.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
dailyRestTime DailyRestTime (double) yes - 2.27 The minimum duration of a daily rest in seconds.
maximumDrivingTimeBetweenDailyRests TimeLimitOfRule (Double) no - 2.27 When the driver has accumulated this much driving time since the last daily rest, a break has to be taken before the driver is allowed to drive again. Implicit default value is infinite. Setting this limit to a finite value makes the field dailyRestPosition required.
maximumTravelTimeBetweenDailyRests TimeLimitOfRule (Double) no - 2.27 When the driver has accumulated this much travel time since the last daily rest, a daily rest has to be taken before the driver is allowed to work again. Implicit default value is infinite. Setting this limit to a finite value makes the field dailyRestPosition required.
dailyRestPosition RestPositions no - 2.27 Indicates at which positions of a tour daily rests are planned. This field becomes required if at least one of the above limits is set to a finite value. In xRoute service rest position ANYWHERE must be chosen if required.


extends TourViolation
since 2.24

Specifies a violation that involves a distance limit. This violation has one of the following tour event violation types: MAXIMUM_DISTANCE.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
exceedance Distance (Double) no - 2.24 Distance by which the limit is exceeded on the current leg in total.

DrivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary (abstract)

extended by DrivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary_EU_EC_561_2006, DrivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary_US_FMCSA_395_2020
used by WorkLogbookSummary
since 2.16

The summary of a logbook of a driver. If provided as input, it is taken into account when the mandatory breaks and rests are calculated.

No fields defined.


extends DrivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary
since 2.16

According to Regulation (EC) 561/2006 of the European Union.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.16 Accumulated driving time since end of last break. As soon as 4.5 hours are accumulated, the driver is no longer allowed to drive unless he/she takes a break. A value of more than 4.5 hours has the same effect as 4.5 hours.
accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.16 Accumulated driving time since end of last daily rest. As soon as 9 hours are accumulated, the driver is no longer allowed to drive unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than 9 hours has the same effect as 9 hours. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak, otherwise an exception is thrown.
elapsedTimeSinceEndOfLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.16 Elapsed time since end of last daily rest, that is, the time between the end of the last daily rest and the reference time. As soon as 13 hours have elapsed, the driver is no longer allowed to drive or perform service unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than 13 hours has the same effect as 13 hours. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastDailyRest, otherwise an exception is thrown.


extends DrivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary
since 2.26

According to the Hours of Service of Drivers published in 2020 in the United States.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.26 Accumulated driving time since end of last break. As soon as 8 hours are accumulated, the driver is no longer allowed to drive unless he/she takes a break. A value of more than 8 hours has the same effect as 8 hours.
accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.26 Accumulated driving time since end of last daily rest. As soon as 11 hours are accumulated, the driver is no longer allowed to drive unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than 11 hours has the same effect as 11 hours. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastBreak, otherwise an exception is thrown.
elapsedTimeSinceEndOfLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.26 Elapsed time since end of last daily rest, that is, the time between the end of the last daily rest and the reference time. As soon as 14 hours have elapsed, the driver is no longer allowed to drive or perform service unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than 14 hours has the same effect as 14 hours. May not be smaller than accumulatedDrivingTimeSinceLastDailyRest, otherwise an exception is thrown.

DrivingTimeRegulationOptions (abstract)

extended by DrivingTimeRegulationOptions_US_FMCSA_395_2013, DrivingTimeRegulationOptions_US_FMCSA_395_2020
used by WorkingHours
since 2.16

Defines options which can be applied to a specific driving time regulation.

No fields defined.


extends DrivingTimeRegulationOptions
since 2.16

Defines options which can be applied to the US Hours Of Service regulation FMCSA 395/2013.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
thirtyFourHourRestartRule Boolean no true 2.16 Tells if the 34-hour restart can be applied after the weekly on duty hours limit has been reached. Basically, if 34 or more consecutive hours off duty are taken, it restarts the weekly on duty hours counting to zero.
weeklyOnDutyHoursLimit WeeklyOnDutyHoursLimit_US_FMCSA_395_2013 no WeeklyOnDutyHours ... 2.16 Defines the weekly on duty hours limit to apply.
twentyFourHourPeriodStartsAt TimeOfDay (String) no 00:00 2.16 Defines the start time of a 24-hour period. The weekly on duty hours limit is based on a rolling 7 or 8-day period starting at this specific time. In general, it is up to the motor carrier to set this value.
thirtyMinuteBreakRule Boolean no true 2.16 Tells if the 30-minute break provision is enforced after 8 on-duty consecutive hours (e.g. it is not required to be enforced for short haul operations).


extends DrivingTimeRegulationOptions
since 2.26

Defines options which can be applied to the US Hours Of Service regulation FMCSA 395/2020.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
thirtyFourHourRestartRule Boolean no true 2.26 Tells if the 34-hour restart can be applied after the weekly on duty hours limit has been reached. Basically, if 34 or more consecutive hours off duty are taken, it restarts the weekly on duty hours counting to zero.
weeklyOnDutyHoursLimit WeeklyOnDutyHoursLimit_US_FMCSA_395_2020 no WeeklyOnDutyHours ... 2.26 Defines the weekly on duty hours limit to apply.
twentyFourHourPeriodStartsAt TimeOfDay (String) no 00:00 2.26 Defines the start time of a 24-hour period. The weekly on duty hours limit is based on a rolling 7 or 8-day period starting at this specific time. In general, it is up to the motor carrier to set this value.
thirtyMinuteBreakRule Boolean no true 2.26 Tells if the 30-minute break provision is enforced after 8 cumulative hours of driving time (e.g. it is not required to be enforced for short haul operations).


extends TourViolation
since 2.23

Specifies a violation that involves a stop limit. This violation has one of the following tour event violation types: MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CUSTOMER_STOPS.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
exceedance PositiveInteger (Integer) no - 2.23 Number by which the limit is exceeded.


extends TourViolation
since 2.5

Specifies a violation of the maximum quantity scenario of the used vehicle. This violation has one of the following tour event violation types: MAXIMUM_QUANTITY_SCENARIO.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
exceedance TransportQuantityUnit[] (Double[]) 1..10 - 2.5 Exceedance of the maximum quantity scenario in each dimension.


extends TourViolation
since 2.25

Specifies a violation of one or more mixed loading prohibitions, that is, two (or more) orders in a trip have conflicting categories. This violation has the following tour violation type: MIXED_LOADING_PROHIBITION.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
mixedLoadingProhibitions MixedLoadingProhibition[] 0..* - 2.25 These are the mixed loading prohibitions that are violated by the current service event.


extends WorkingHours
since 2.5

Defines which rules regarding drivers' working hours need to be met in a multi day planning scenario.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
dailyRestPositions RestPositions no RestPositions.BET ... 2.5 Indicates at which positions of a tour daily rests are planned.


extends TourViolation
since 2.5

Specifies a violation for any event that is not at the expected position. This violation has one of the following tour event violation types: REST_POSITION, CUSTOMER_STOP_POSITION_IN_TRIP, TRIP_SECTION.

No fields defined.


extends TourViolation
since 2.5

Specifies a violation for missing qualification (e.g. missing equipment of the used vehicle) that is required by the tour. This violation has one of the following tour event violation types: VEHICLE_EQUIPMENT.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
qualifications String[] 0..* - 2.5 Required qualifications that are missing. For example, this can be missing equipment of the used vehicle that is required by the tour.


extends TourViolation
since 2.25

Specifies a violation where the route between two locations is estimated by direct distance instead of the road network, e.g. because one location is not within boundaries of map. For more information, see estimatedByDirectDistance. This violation can only occur if ignore reachability violations is not set and if distance mode is not set to direct distance. This violation has the following tour violation type: REACHABILITY.

No fields defined.


extends TourViolation
since 2.25

Specifies a violation where the route between two locations is calculated with route violations, e.g. a violation of the clearance height by the vehicle. This violation can only occur if ignore route violations is not set. This violation has the following tour violation type: ROUTE.

No fields defined.


extends ServiceStatus
since 2.21

Service at stop is completed.

No fields defined.


extends ServiceStatus
since 2.21

Service at stop has started and is currently being performed.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
performedServiceTime Duration (double) yes - 2.21 Already performed service time at this stop.

The remaining service time at this stop is the originally planned service time subtracted by the parameter performedServiceTime. No service needs to be performed at this stop any more if performedServiceTime is greater than or equal to the originally planned service time.

ServiceStatus (abstract)

extended by Arrived, ServiceCompleted, ServiceStarted
used by PositionAtStop (xroute), PositionAtStop (xtour)
since 2.21

Status for the service at the current stop of a tour in execution.

No fields defined.


extends WorkingHours
since 2.5

Defines which rules regarding drivers' working hours need to be met in a single day planning scenario.

No fields defined.


extends TourViolation
since 2.5


Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
exceedance Duration (Double) no - 2.5 Time by which the limit is exceeded.

Base type for tour violations.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
causedByThisEvent Boolean no - 2.5 True if the violation is caused by the tour event that contains this tour violation. For violations of type VEHICLE_EQUIPMENT and MAXIMUM_QUANTITY_SCENARIO the order ID of the tour event references the order that caused this violation. For time violations this member is true for the first event of a specific type of time violation.
type TourViolationType no - 2.5 Type of the tour event violation. The documentation of the types derived from this type list the associated tour event violation types.


used by TourRestrictions, Driver, ExecutionState
since 2.16

The summary of a logbook of a driver (or a mobile worker) with respect to a lastTimeTheDriverWorked. If provided as input, it is taken into account when the mandatory breaks and rests are calculated.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
lastTimeTheDriverWorked XMLGregorianCalendar yes - 2.16 The last time the driver worked (driving or performing service). It is assumed that the time since then may count as break/rest, provided it has the required minimum duration. It is sometimes referred to as "reference time".
drivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary DrivingTimeRegulationLogbookSummary no - 2.16 The summary of a logbook corresponding to the drivingTimeRegulation.
workingTimeDirectiveLogbookSummary WorkingTimeDirectiveLogbookSummary no - 2.16 The summary of a logbook corresponding to the workingTimeDirective.
configurableWorkingHoursLogbookSummary ConfigurableWorkingHoursLogbookSummary no - 2.27 The summary of a logbook corresponding to the configurable working hours.

WorkingHours (abstract)

extended by MultiDayWorkingHours, SingleDayWorkingHours
used by TourRestrictions (xroute), TourRestrictions (xtour)
since 2.5

Defines which rules regarding drivers' working hours need to be complied with. See Working Hours.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
drivingTimeRegulation DrivingTimeRegulation no DrivingTimeRegula ... 2.5 Defines which driving time regulation is applicable. A driving time regulation concerns drivers of heavy vehicles only. Not supported for time-dependent driving times. See also corresponding technical concept page.
workingTimeDirective WorkingTimeDirective no WorkingTimeDirect ... 2.16 Defines which legislation regarding working time is applicable. Currently only supported for SingleDayWorkingHours. In xRoute, it must not be used together with drivingTimeRegulation. In xTour, it must not be used together with US-American driving time regulation. If used together with EU driving time regulation, break splits are enabled and a work logbook summary must not be given. See also corresponding technical concept page.
drivingTimeRegulationOptions DrivingTimeRegulationOptions no - 2.16 Defines options for the selected driving time regulation. Currently only supported in xRoute service.

WorkingTimeDirectiveLogbookSummary (abstract)

extended by WorkingTimeDirectiveLogbookSummary_EU_2002_15_EC
used by WorkLogbookSummary
since 2.16

The summary of a logbook of a mobile worker. If provided as input, it is taken into account when the mandatory breaks and rests are calculated.

No fields defined.


extends WorkingTimeDirectiveLogbookSummary
since 2.16

According to Directive 2002/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council "on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities".

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
accumulatedWorkingTimeSinceLastBreak Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.16 Accumulated working time since end of last working break. The working break must have at least a duration of 30 minutes. As soon as 6 hours have elapsed, the driver is no longer allowed to work or drive unless he/she takes a break. A value of more than 6 hours has the same effect as 6 hours.
elapsedTimeSinceEndOfLastDailyRest Duration (Double) no 0.0 2.16 Elapsed time since end of last daily rest, that is, the time between the end of the last daily rest and the reference time. As soon as 9 hours have elapsed, the driver is no longer allowed to work or drive unless he/she takes a daily rest. A value of more than 9 hours has the same effect as 9 hours. May not be smaller than accumulatedWorkingTimeSinceLastBreak, otherwise an exception is thrown.


used by TourRestrictions, Driver
since 2.27

Every preset stands for a pre-defined parameterization of the break rule, the daily rest rule and the total time limits of the associated configurable working hours. These presets are currently not supported in xTour in connection with a multiple travel times dima. See the technical concept pages on Working Hours and the Presets for details.

Enumeration Value Since Description
EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_SINGLE_DAY 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the EU regulation No 561/2006 that are applicable for a route within a single day are observed.
EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_LONG_SINGLE_DAY 2.27 In contrast to EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_SINGLE_DAY, the exception rules "Maximum driving time may be extended to 10h twice a week." and "A daily rest may be reduced to 9h three times between weekly rests." are observed in so far as the driving time limit is extended and the daily rest time is reduced.
EU_WORKING_TIME_DIRECTIVES_FOR_SINGLE_DAY 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the EU directives 2003/88/EC and 2002/15/EC that are applicable for a route within a single day are observed. With a minimum break time of 30min and a maximum travel time of 9.5h, a working time of at most 9h is guaranteed.
EU_WORKING_TIME_DIRECTIVES_FOR_LONG_SINGLE_DAY 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the EU directives 2003/88/EC and 2002/15/EC that are applicable for a route within a long single day are observed. If working hours total more than 9h, a break must be 45min long. Here, a working time of at most 10h is guaranteed.
EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the EU regulation No 561/2006 that are applicable for a route within multiple days are observed. Daily rests may be scheduled within trips. Weekly rests are not scheduled.
EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_MULTIPLE_SINGLE_DAYS 2.27 In contrast to EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS, daily rests may not be scheduled within trips. Not supported in xRoute service.
EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_TEAM_AND_MULTIPLE_DAYS 2.27 When two drivers form a team, they can take turns. In contrast to EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS, no breaks are scheduled and the daily rest time limits are raised.
US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_SINGLE_DAY 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the HOS regulations in 49 CFR 395 that are applicable for a route within a single day are observed. Here it is assumed that the short-haul exception does not apply so breaks are scheduled.
US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_SHORT_HAUL_AND_SINGLE_DAY 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the HOS regulations in 49 CFR 395 that are applicable for a route within a single day are observed. It is assumed that the short-haul exception does apply so breaks are not scheduled.
US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS 2.27 Makes sure that those standard rules of the HOS regulations in 49 CFR 395 that are applicable for a route within multiple days are observed. Here it is assumed that the short-haul exception does not apply so breaks are scheduled. Daily rests may be scheduled within trips. Week rules such as the 60/70 hour rules are not considered.
US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_MULTIPLE_SINGLE_DAYS 2.27 In contrast to US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS, daily rests may not be scheduled within trips. Not supported in xRoute service.
US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_SHORT_HAUL_AND_MULTIPLE_SINGLE_DAYS 2.27 In contrast to US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_SHORT_HAUL_AND_SINGLE_DAY, daily rests are scheduled. In contrast to US_HOURS_OF_SERVICE_REGULATIONS_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS, daily rests may not be scheduled within trips. Not supported in xRoute service.


used by WorkingHours
since 2.5

Defines which driving time regulation needs to be complied with.

Enumeration Value Since Description
NONE 2.5 No restriction of drivers' working hours.
EU_EC_561_2006 2.5 Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
US_FMCSA_395_2013 2.16 Hours of Service (HOS) regulation as issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in 2013.
US_FMCSA_395_2020 2.26 Hours of Service (HOS) regulation as issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in 2020.


used by DailyRestRule, MultiDayWorkingHours
since 2.5

Indicates at which positions of a tour rests are planned.

Enumeration Value Since Description
BETWEEN_ALL_TRIPS 2.5 Indicates that a rest is planned directly after every trip of the tour, except after the last trip.
BETWEEN_TRIPS 2.5 Indicates that a rest may be planned after each trip of the tour if necessary, except after the last trip.
ANYWHERE 2.11 Indicates that a rest may be scheduled anytime and anywhere necessary, even within a trip and even en route between two stops.


used by TourEvent (xroute), TourEvent (xtour)
since 2.1

Specifies the type of a tour event. In xRoute, only the following events are returned: SERVICE, WAITING, BREAK, DAILY_REST. In xTour, all the events are returned.

Enumeration Value Since Description
DRIVING 2.1 Indicates a driving period.
SERVICE 2.1 Indicates a service period.
WAITING 2.1 Indicates a waiting period.
BREAK 2.5 Indicates a break period.
DAILY_REST 2.5 Indicates a daily rest period.
TRIP_START 2.1 Indicates the start of a trip.
TRIP_END 2.1 Indicates the end of a trip.
TOUR_START 2.1 Indicates the start of a tour.
TOUR_END 2.1 Indicates the end of a tour.


used by TourViolation
since 2.5

Specifies the type of a tour event. In xRoute, only the following types are returned: OPENING_INTERVAL, MAXIMUM_TRAVEL_TIME_PER_TOUR, MAXIMUM_DRIVING_TIME_PER_TOUR. In xTour, all the types are returned.

Enumeration Value Since Description
PLANNING_HORIZON 2.7 Indicates a violation of the planning horizon. This is caused by a tour event that begins outside the planning horizon. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current tour.
OPERATING_INTERVAL 2.7 Indicates a violation of the operating interval of the driver. This is caused by a tour event that begins outside of the operating intervals of the driver of the current tour. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current trip.
TOUR_START_INTERVAL 2.19 Indicates a violation of the tour start interval of the vehicle. This violation is only included at tour start events.
OPENING_INTERVAL 2.5 Indicates a violation of the opening interval(s) of the current site. This is caused by service that begins after the end of the last opening interval of the current site. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current stop.
MAXIMUM_TRAVEL_TIME_PER_TOUR 2.5 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed travel time per tour. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current tour.
MAXIMUM_DRIVING_TIME_PER_TOUR 2.5 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed driving time per tour. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current tour.
REST_POSITION 2.5 Indicates that a daily rest for European drivers' working hours is not at the end of a trip. The expected position for a daily rest is at the end of a trip. Daily rests at other positions are only scheduled if they are absolutely necessary to conform to the European drivers' working hours. This violation is only included at tour events of the violated daily rest.
MAXIMUM_QUANTITY_SCENARIO 2.5 Indicates a violation of the maximum quantity scenario of the used vehicle. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events for which the maximum quantity of the vehicle is exceeded.
VEHICLE_EQUIPMENT 2.5 Indicates a violation of the vehicle equipment required for the currently loaded orders. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events for which a vehicle equipment is missing.
MAXIMUM_TRAVEL_TIME_PER_DRIVER 2.14 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed travel time per driver as specified by the drivers' working hours restriction. Travel time prior to tour start as specified by the work logbook summary is also considered for this check. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current tour.
MAXIMUM_DRIVING_TIME_PER_DRIVER 2.14 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed driving time per driver as specified by the drivers' working hours restriction. Driving time prior to tour start as specified by the work logbook summary is also considered for this check. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current tour.
TRIP_START_INTERVAL 2.19 Indicates a violation of the trip start interval. This violation is only included at trip start events.
MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CUSTOMER_STOPS 2.23 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed number of stops per tour. This violation only occurs at events of type service at customer stops and is repeated for all subsequent events.
CUSTOMER_STOP_POSITION_IN_TRIP 2.23 Indicates a violation of the customer stop position in trip. This violation only occurs at events of type service at customer stops when a position in trip set for this site and the current customer stop is not the first/last one in the trip.
TRIP_SECTION 2.23 Indicates a violation of the trip section numbers. This violation only occurs at events of type service at customer stops when the previous trip section number is higher than the one at this customer site.
MAXIMUM_DISTANCE 2.24 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed distance per tour. This violation is repeated for all subsequent events of the current tour.
MIXED_LOADING_PROHIBITION 2.25 Indicates a violation of a mixed loading prohibition. This violation only occurs at events of type service.
COMPARTMENT_ACCESS 2.29 Indicates a violation of the compartment access restriction of the used vehicle. This violation only occurs at events of type service.
ROUTE 2.25 Indicates a violation where the route between two locations is calculated with route violations. This violation only occurs at events of type driving.
REACHABILITY 2.25 Indicates a violation where the route between two locations was calculated by direct distance instead of the road network. This violation only occurs at events of type driving.
MAXIMUM_TRAVEL_TIME_BETWEEN_PICKUP_AND_DELIVERY 2.32 Indicates a violation of the maximum allowed travel time between departure from the pickup site and arrival at the delivery site. This violation only occurs at events of type service that reference a delivery task.
UNSPECIFIED 2.5 Fallback value to be substituted for enumeration values which were added in an API version that is newer than the request version. When using the current API, this value will never be returned.


used by DrivingTimeRegulationOptions_US_FMCSA_395_2013
since 2.16

Defines the possible weekly on duty limit for the US Hours Of Service regulation FMCSA 395/2013.

Enumeration Value Since Description
SEVEN_DAYS_SIXTY_HOURS_ON_DUTY 2.16 Defines a limit of 60 on duty hours on a rolling period of 7 consecutive days.
EIGHT_DAYS_SEVENTY_HOURS_ON_DUTY 2.16 Defines a limit of 70 on duty hours on a rolling period of 8 consecutive days.


used by DrivingTimeRegulationOptions_US_FMCSA_395_2020
since 2.26

Defines the possible weekly on duty limit for the US Hours Of Service regulation FMCSA 395/2020.

Enumeration Value Since Description
SEVEN_DAYS_SIXTY_HOURS_ON_DUTY 2.26 Defines a limit of 60 on duty hours on a rolling period of 7 consecutive days.
EIGHT_DAYS_SEVENTY_HOURS_ON_DUTY 2.26 Defines a limit of 70 on duty hours on a rolling period of 8 consecutive days.


used by WorkingHours
since 2.16

Defines which legislation regarding working time is applicable.

Enumeration Value Since Description
NONE 2.16 No restriction by working law.
EU_2002_15_EC 2.16 Enables directive 2002/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council "on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities".


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